Using the Feynman Technique/protégé effect to talk to a lobster, and with a Ukrainian
I'm sure they'll both understand me just fine
Welcome to this bonus resource for helping you process complex ideas. For the concept behind this, you’ll want to read this post first: Never mind a teacher - YOU be the teacher
As a language learner, you can do this as a two-step process.
1 Explain it simply, as though you’re talking to a child. Focusing on summarising and getting the main idea across.
2 Try to use some new vocabulary, using the Feynman Technique or the protégé effect.
You'll find the audio with me and Larry below. The voiceover at the start is me in Dublin, explaining cognitive biases, with one of my dearest students, Kseniia. It's the first time we've seen each other in years, and I tortured the poor woman by forcing her to listen to my mumbo jumbo. What a sweetheart (her, not me).
This is the article that I’ve tried to make sense of and explain to Larry the Lobster.
Here’s your audio file with Larry, part 1:
And part 2:
This is what my article looks like for part 2, focusing on new vocabulary.
And my final one, where I focus on using the protégé effect to explain a few cognitive biases, live from Dublin, with Kseniia. That's the voiceover at the top.