Thank you for this! Great conversation with Hanna, and thanks for listing all those resources. I've just published the first chapter of my novel on here with the intention of serialising it (without knowing what I'm doing or having much of an audience) simply because I want to get some eyes on it and some feedback. I was thinking that perhaps I was doing something a bit odd because I've mostly come across short-story fiction on here so far, but I've since realised there's a huge number of writers doing the same thing. I read an article about it on Simon's Substack yesterday, and this popped up for me today. I really appreciate you all taking the time to share your knowledge as well as your stories ❤️

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Thank you for the kind feedback, Katharine. Your approach to serialising sounds like mine, and believe me when I say that I don't know what I'm doing! It's definitely not odd - I don't think there are any strict rules around here about what is unusual or normal or whatever - anything goes! I shall have a look at your novel ☺️

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Thanks, Daniel! Looking forward to listening to this chat, have put it on the weekend's playlist. :)

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Hi Daniel. Great podcast, good questions and interaction. Hanna is a powerhouse of creativity! I read your bio and thought this book by an author local to me who lived in Kyiv in the 1990s might be of interest to you:


(Oh, I also serialise fiction! Currently on Ch. 43 of my debut novel: https://consilienceseries.substack.com/about )

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Hi Johnathan, thanks for listening and the feedback. I appreciate you sharing that link, I've just had a look and I'm not familiar with that book, it looks intriguing and I will also pop over to check out your debut novel.

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Excellent. Thank you!

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Fantastic conversation! I enjoyed this so much. Also, I am proud to be one of Hanna’s Inarticulate Cretins!

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