Your anger is palpable Daniel. I sincerely hope that Europe stands together with Ukraine; the two thugs carving things up at the moment must be stopped.

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My country will probably end up in a lot more debt than it already is, but at least I don't have to live with the deep shame of seeing us give up on our neighbours. What's happening in Ukraine is everyone's problem if they care about sovereignty (a popular far right buzz word here) and democracy (a word Vance is still looking up). Have you seen WW2 in colour? It was eye opening to see how many politicians in the US and UK wanted to 'make a deal' with Hitler to stop the madness. He still invaded Poland. He still committed genocide. The only leaders authoritarian rulers respect are those long dead and out of their way. Thank you for writing this. The UK still cares about Ukraine.

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Thanks for reading and your comments, it's much appreciated. I know plenty of people do care, but alas...[sigh...]

All the parallels to 1938 are uncanny and troubling.

WW2 in colour is on my list, I should watch it one of these days, but I also feel like after this week's news, I need to switch off a bit (not that Ukrainians are able to).

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As I tear up, let me say how proud I am to know you. You are right. Many Americans care more about the price of eggs than they do about Truth and responsibility to our Allies. Many of us, however, agree with you and support the Ukraine, but are also swept up in domestic chaos that challenges our sanity every day. There are so many issues to confront. For you, dear Daniel, I promise to write a congressman every day in the coming weeks to support the Ukraine. XO

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Thank you Eileen, your words are so kind and thoughtful. Domestic chaos is definitely the right term for this shitshow right now. Ukraine is one thing, but what's going on in the US right now is just...mind-boggling and terrifying. I wish I could avoid the news and just switch off, but I feel like it's my/our duty to know what's going on.

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Daniel, I read your response to Eileen. Include me in your thoughts, please. Marjorie

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Ukraine. Gaza. USAID. Criticism of our European allies. Access to Social Security. Thousands of civil servants fired. Roundups of immigrants. Horrible, unqualified people placed in charge of all of the major governmental institutions. It's all so awful. and so unbelievable.

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Speaking selfishly, kinda makes you glad you decided to get out while you could, right? Things are a bit better in Austria and Ireland (though the situation politically in Austria isn't great at the moment).

The stuff I'm reading about within the US is terrifying, especially with all this DOGE nonsense. It's enough to make me want to burn my US passport and renounce my citizenship (I'd be tempted to if my parents didn't still live there)

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You're so right, Daniel. What's happening in the US right now IS terrifying. Unfortunately, my two daughters and twin sister still live there. (And--for now at least--the the political parties in Austria seem to have come to an agreement that will keep the FPÖ out of goverment.)

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Thank you for your to-the-point plain speaking. For my own mental health I'm not even supposed to be looking at news - but how can we not? It grieves me to, especially coupled with the crippling sense of helplessness from my little corner of the world. I write to my country's government representatives pleading for action and support for Ukraine, but here, too, is the feeling that Ukraine is yesterday's news. This is not helped by the news here being filled instead with the madness going on in the US! I despair. Not helpful at all, but I despair.

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Thanks for reading and your comments. I know what you mean about looking at news. I just can't not look. We can all do our bit, but I also totally understand those who are more concerned with the madness going on around them. There's so much to take in and our brains can only handle so much.

Just expressing sympathy (and even despair) is still, in a way, helpful. It's just good to know that people do care.

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EFL-pro here. Appreciated the opening. Appreciated you setting out the arguments well made elsewhere and you have personal ties so your frustrangerpointment is understandable, though as you say nothing compared to Ukrainians'. Seems to me though the time for expressing frustration is over and Europe needs to buckle up, wise up and arm up. Just had a conversation this morning imagining the USA as our... Enemy!? Ukraine accepts no deal, Europe, somehow, steps up support and the USA lifts sanctions and arms embargo on Russia. And our kids get conscripted. Keeping the issue in the news with the right kind of positive story will be crucial.

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I love this word - frustrangerpointment. That might've been what I was looking for and I'll be sure to use it as some point.

You're dead on re: Europe and though keep banging on about the threat, it's still a case of all words and no [concrete] action outside of sanctions and talk of more sanctions. It does seem the US is moving in that direction of...frenemy?

Thanks for reading, much appreciated.

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Heartbreaking and maddening situation.

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Many of us do care about Ukraine, we try to counter the lies the bots and Russian propaganda. Why me?

Because I spent three years in Germany during the Cold War, front line RAF bases of Laarbruch and Geilenkirchen. Dad's job was an aircraft electrician, my seven year old self did not understand the threat. Only later did get to know that had the Cold War turned hot, realistically NATO could only hold the line for 48hrs before front line commanders would be screaming for the authorisation to use Tactical Nuclear weapons.

Back then the Soviets were the threat to civilization, we missed the chance in 1991. We dropped the ball when Putin invaded Ukraine, but it's the betrayal by the US that has not gone down well with Europe.

I can say in all honesty, not all Americans are happy with the Orange one. I repost articles on the latest news about Ukraine that they don't hear on US networks.

We know from experience that the US turns up late to Global wars, and will charge for their services. But Trump takes it to a new level, he's building a wall. Remember the Berlin one?

Keeps common sense out, and the Sheeple in.

The situation has been a wake up call, Europe including the UK needs to re-arm because Putin will not stop. Unless we all stop him first.

Stay Strong.

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Thank you Graham, I appreciate your thoughts. I had a similar upbringing and was also probably too young to understand the threat. My father was in the US military, and I spent most of my childhood years in the UK and Europe - Lakenheath, Bentwaters, Spangdahlem and Torrejon (Spain). My mother is from Northern Ireland and both my grandfathers served in World War II (with the RAF and USAF). I was vaguely aware of the threat from the Soviet Union and after it collapsed, I thought we were in for a more stable time.

The most absurd irony of all is that I ended up living in Ukraine and having to flee because of Russia. I was lucky - my daughter and I left 10 days before the full-scale invasion just to be on the safe side, as we said at the time.

And now, I'm not sure if I'll return, but at least I'm safe here in Vienna and I should feel grateful I suppose. It doesn't make things any easier though.

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I think even our politicians are now realising that Putin has to be delt with, if not now then in the future. In the UK we should be at a war footing, gearing up our military. I felt safer in the the last Cold War than I do now, although dad's advice still rings true. "Best place to be when the buckets of instant Sunshine start flying is Ground Zero, one millisecond you're here, next millisecond you're not.

Stay safe.

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The vast majority of Americans care more about what they pay for a tank of gas than they do about things like freedom & history. Our me me me society is going to blow up in our faces sooner rather than later. And unfortunately Ukrainians are currently finding that out.

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Sure, but I can understand the me me me thing. There's so much going on right now, it's a total shitshow and people want to live a normal, decent life. Too many people are apathetic when it comes to freedom and history - a mere 4 months as a high school history teacher in NH about 15 years ago taught me this. It's a tough battle and I couldn't hack it. History can be a tough sell (this is me trying to play Devil's Advocate)

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We may call Labour many things, but at least Starmer has stood up and being counted. Confirming military aid, and sanctions against Russian and Russian Oligarchs.

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I will have to read this more carefully Daniel, but I wanted to say, I care and I feel helpless. I hope Europe can do sth about it though, if the US is fucking it up so badly. Will read in more detail to educate myself. Thank you for writing this.

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I feel like I had to write it. And feeling helpless is perfectly understandable and normal. Even I'm not sure if my words make much of a difference, but it's the least I can do. Europe will have no choice but to get its act together, but it's still shameful what the US is doing. They're down to Russia, Belarus and Hungary as their only friends in the world.

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As an author, I know words have power.

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I don't feel very qualified to comment, but I wanted to say I really enjoyed reading this (if that is the right word) and I've learnt a lot ❤️

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Thank you Jayne. I know what you mean when you say 'enjoyed' - I often say the same when reading a piece and I feel like it's not quite the right word. In this case, I'll take it ☺️

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Of course we care about what happens to Ukraine. Just trying to digest the recent turn of events

which has left us bewildered. We share your frustration.

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Masterful. We are approaching a possible repeat of the infamous Munich Agreement and the victory of the twin evils of Isolationism and Appeasement. The American people should be revolted at Trump’s obeisance to Putin.

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This is a heartbreaking read, but I'm so proud of you for sharing this. It sheds a light on what is imminent in America's future.

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Your thoughts are powerful, and I can feel the outrage in every word. Unfortunately, I’ve always believed that the world is a stage, not that I WANT to believe this, but it's the approach taken by the powers that be. The U.S. and many Americans will care only about what’s currently on that stage. I think the war was misrepresented to the American public from the start. So many people jumped on a particular bandwagon that it’s hard to change their mindset at this point. There’s so much to unpack here, but let’s just say that marketing to the American people is a form of manipulation like no other.

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I agree with your thoughts wholeheartedly. Many of my Ukrainian friends don't/didn't like it when I tried to explain the rationale from a US/realpolitik point of view (with talk of proxy war, etc), but that is often the harsh reality. And I think it's close to impossible to change most people's minds. Even when people ask me 'why should I care?' I must admit that I struggle to coherently make a case as to why they should. That doesn't mean I'll give up, though, I'll keep at it, it's the least I can do.

I appreciate your comments, and thank you for reading.

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I fully believe that the United States turning away from Ukraine will be one of the most shameful and consequential decisions to come out of this current era of American politics, and sadly we will all pay the price for an emboldened Russia led by one of our current President's idols (the others being any autocratic/dictatorial leader across the world- Orban, Jong Un, Erdogan). I wake up daily and try to embrace hope, but it's getting more and more difficult. May we all find the strength to be brave for what's coming.

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Shameful indeed. And what’s going on domestically (US) is troubling (putting it mildly) too. Every day it just gets more and more ridiculous. I’m not sure the US has too many friends these days the I fear some of the damage might be irreparable. Stay strong 💪

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